ImPACT (Immediate Post-Concussion Assessment and Cognitive Testing)
It is the first, most widely used, and most scientifically validated computerized concussion evaluation system. ImPACT was developed in the 1990s to provide useful information to assist qualified practitioners in making sound return-to-play decisions following concussions.
Given the inherent complexities of concussion management, it is important to manage concussions on an individualized basis and to implement baseline testing and/or post-injury neurocognitive testing whenever possible. Neurocognitive assessment can help to objectively evaluate the concussed athlete’s post-injury condition and track recovery for safe return to play, thus preventing the cumulative effects of concussion. In fact, neurocognitive testing has been called the “cornerstone” of proper concussion management by an international panel of sports medicine experts.
Some of the individuals using ImPACT include all of the MLB, NHL, NFL, and WWE. Over 6000 high schools, 1,300 colleges and universities, 1,200 clinical centers, 225 professional teams, select military units, Cirque du Soleil, New Zealand, and South African rugby teams also use ImPACT.
To view a demo of the ImPACT test, please visit their website.
ImPACT is not: A diagnostic test; ImPACT is one tool that can be used by medical professionals to help measure an individual’s recovery from a concussion
ImPACT is not: A one-step solution to concussions
ImPACT is not: A preventative tool, nothing can prevent concussions
ImPACT is not: A substitute for medical treatment or management
ImPACT is not: A replacement for a CAT scan, MRI, or other medical technology
ImPACT is not: A home-based test, ImPACT should always be administered in the presence of a trained supervisor
Please visit ImPACT’s website, www.impacttest.com.
The ImPACT Program was pioneered by Mark Lovell, PhD, ABPN, and Joseph Maroon, MD in the 1990s. ImPACT Applications Inc. was founded by Dr. Lovell and Dr. Maroon along with Micky Collins, PhD. Our team of doctors are world leaders in the field of concussion management and are committed to the ongoing development of advanced concussion management tools. ImPACT team members have dedicated the past 15 years to the scientific study of sports-related concussions and the clinical application of this knowledge throughout professional and amateur sports.
Current Users:
National Football League
Major Baseball League
Major/Minor League Baseball Umpires
National Hockey League
Team USA (Winter Olympics)
USA Hockey
Ontario/Western Hockey Leagues
USA Olympic Hockey
Major League Soccer
Swedish Soccer
US Soccer Federation
Cirque du Soleil
World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE)
USA Rugby
South African Rugby
New Zealand Rugby
US Lacrosse
USA Ski Team
US Military Academy
US Air Force Academy
200 Professional Sports Teams
3500+ High Schools
1300+ Colleges and Universities
900+ Clinical Centers
300+ Credentialed ImPACT Consultants
About 10% of all student athletes in contact sports suffer a concussion during their season.
Recovery may take days or weeks, with individuals often experiencing dizziness, headaches, double vision, memory problems, irritability and depression.
Premature return to play following a concussion can lead to potentially serious consequences.
Our staff is trained in Concussion testing services including Baseline and Post-Injury Concussion testing. Utilizing ImPACT program as one piece of the overall concussion management.